Photo Salons & Exhibitions: Post 5 - Competition Image Manager

This is the last post in this series on Salons and Exhibitions. In earlier posts, I covered "What is a Salon?", "How to Enter a Salon", "Where to find a Salon" and "Distinctions". In this short post I'll cover a resource that I've found very useful - Competition Image Manager.


The posts in this series are:

  1. What is a Salon and Why Bother?

  2. How to Enter?

  3. Where to find Salons to Enter?

  4. Distinctions: What are they?

  5. Competition Image Manager




Following encouragement from Mike Watson, I entered a few Salons and Exhibitions over the last year. It is something that we want to actively promote as a club, but there are at the moment only a few members I'm aware of that enter external salons and exhibitions.


Last year, Mike said to me, have a go and you'll most likely be surprised, and indeed I was… which is why I'm repeating that advice to everyone. To that end, I thought I'd put together this series of articles to share my (albeit limited) experiences in the hope that it inspires other members to give it a shot.


Competition Image Manager

One resource I have found of great use in managing my salon entries is the Competition Image Manager web site…

 This enables you to track images, that you have entered in to different salons & exhibitions.

You can then record the scores given plus view how many acceptances etc you have achieved, plus which images have been successful and which less so.


 A significant benefit is the facility to export images you select for a Salon, to be prepared at the correct resolution, ready to import to the Salon entry mechanism online.

 It can also track your progress towards distinctions like BPE and AFIAP


If you have found this post interesting and useful, please do comment below or like & share it.

The other posts in this series are:

  1. What is a Salon and Why Bother?

  2. How to Enter?

  3. Where to find Salons to Enter?

  4. Distinctions: What are they?

  5. Competition Image Manager